Staying the Course in a Shifting Culture

Staying the Course in a Shifting Culture

On June 26, 2015, The Supreme Court of the United States handed down a ruling that made Same-Sex Marriage a constitutional right for all Americans. Those who hold to an historical view of marriage and a biblical view of human sexuality are faced with a great challenge as to how to respond to our culture in a way that holds fast to the Words of Jesus while also modeling the Way of Jesus. Below you will find several resources that we believe will help you as you develop biblical convictions over this issue and will empower you to faithfully respond in grace and truth...

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Preaching Jesus with Our Songs

Preaching Jesus with Our Songs

Music is an ongoing exercise that, at its best, creates channels for the gospel to illuminate our lives in light of who God is. God gave Moses a song in Deuteronomy 31 so that when the children of Israel went through various trials and troubles, the song would confront them as a testimony to whom their God was. This is true of all great music; it speaks with clarity of the God of beauty behind the music...

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Worship Is an Act of Reversal

Worship Is an Act of Reversal

Augustine defined sin as disordered love. Sin has everything to do with love. God created us to worship him as an end in himself, and he designed us to love people and this planet in a way that would magnify his goodness and greatness. Such a disposition would create the deepest happiness in our souls. But sin entered our hearts, and those loves became reversed. We now love the world and ourselves as an end, and we view God as a means to that end...

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Self-Promotion and Our Fear of Obscurity

Self-Promotion and Our Fear of Obscurity

It can be easy to forget that we pastors are not salesmen. We're not pushing a product called “the gospel.” We can’t develop an elevator pitch clever and concise enough to secure the sale. The oddity comes when we do create products that we then market and push — for worship pastors, our albums, and preaching pastors, our books. In that moment, we inch our way to becoming salespeople. And if we’re going to be good salespeople, then we need a marketing strategy and a platform, lots of followers, etc...

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