Love - The Taylor's Story

Love - The Taylor's Story

In the fall of 2003, I was in a season of exploring how I related to the Lord. I had no doubt about who He was, but I had observed how He spoke to so many people in my life and I struggled with feeling like I had never known Him in that way. During this time my husband and I were praying about making a decision to move into a bigger home. I never imagined that God would use a relatively practical prayer like this to reveal His heart to us but that's exactly what He did!

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Peace - The Reynold's Story

Peace - The Reynold's Story

On the evening of my 50th birthday, I climbed into the car for a visit to see my daughter. I'd like to tell you it was to watch her participate in a school event or to see her newly decorated first apartment. But it wasn't either of those. This trip was to visit her at the drug rehabilitation center where she was undergoing treatment. This was a difficult time for our family. The circumstances that led us to this point had strained our relationship significantly and I was deeply frustrated that I was not able to "fix" this situation. As I sat outside the facility, preparing to see her, I struggled to find the words to express what was happening in my heart. I prayed again, for the thousandth time, that God would touch her heart and restore our relationship. And while I could not find a peace in the darkness of the situation, I believe God enabled me to eventually find that peace by taking me through my own journey of suffering.

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Hope - The Robinson's Story

Hope - The Robinson's Story

Growing up, I had always assumed that I would marry and have children like everyone else. My husband and I met in college and married shortly after. We spent a few years working and decided we were ready to become parents. After a year of trying unsuccessfully to conceive we were concerned that something was wrong. We investigated this possibility with our doctors but found no answers. For the next few years we explored a number of infertility treatments that proved to be fruitless. This season was a rollercoaster of Hope and disappointment as month in and month out we clung to our dreams, only to see them dissipate before our eyes. Our entire life had come to revolve around our inability to have the one thing we longed for most, a family. This was a dark season for us.

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