Assured By The Holy Spirit
/1 John 2:18-27
“This is how you know you have the Holy Spirit living in your life, you see and trust and treasure Jesus.” - JR Vassar
1 John 2:18-27
“This is how you know you have the Holy Spirit living in your life, you see and trust and treasure Jesus.” - JR Vassar
1 John 2:1-11
"You can never enjoy a love that you have to earn because you are always afraid you can lose it.” --JR Vassar
1 John 2:1-6
"Being a Christian means I know Christ - not just as a good person, therapist, life coach, or example to follow. It means I know him as Savior and advocate." --JR Vassar
I John 2:1-2
"You get assurance by looking to a person." --JR Vassar