Churches planting churches

As the Church experiences a rapid decline in a secularizing culture, the need of the hour is for Spirit-led leaders who are humble, prayerful, and Scripture formed, who can steward the spiritual opportunities our cultural moment is presenting. We have made it a priority to support church plants, train church planters, and send pastors to areas of gospel need.


National Church Plants


Equipping men to plant and pastor local churches

The Church Planting Residency at Church at the Cross is a two-year residency designed to equip and assist men to plant and pastor local churches. We focus on growing a life of prayer while developing Christ-like character, theological convictions, and ministry and leadership competencies, all while serving alongside a healthy church staff. Through reading, writing, roundtables, labs, hands-on ministry, and exposure to leaders across the country, residents will be further equipped to pursue God’s call on their lives to lead the church into the future.


International Church Plants