Missions exist because worship doesn’t

We are the gathered community called out of the world to
belong to Jesus, and we are the scattered community sent into the world to proclaim Jesus.


Our National Partners

We partner with the following organizations to help people and places encounter Jesus.


Compassion international

In 2016, we began a partnership with Compassion International in Ecuador. The generosity of the people of CATC has led to over 220 children being sponsored for school fees and food around Ecuador. 

We are now partnering with Dallas Chinese Bible Church to help launch an after-school development center in a remote part of the country where more than 150 children attend. 


Empower one

We partner with Empower One to train and support local church leaders to plant churches in the hard places of Africa.


For the nations

We partner with FTN to provide educational and family services that help meet the practical needs of refugees and to share with them the gospel of Jesus Christ.


dash network

We partner with DASH Network to love people with the love of Christ who are seeking asylum by serving their physical and relational needs.