Two Love Stories

Two Love Stories

You would think that after a childhood filled with so much danger, Jesus would have lived by one rule: self-preservation. Instead, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even a criminal’s death, in order to save his beloved. Jesus could have wielded his power to save himself on the cross. For that matter, he could have just avoided a lot of pain and suffering by not leaving heaven in the first place. And yet, the great I Am took the form of the most vulnerable human we can think of, a baby, and died the most vulnerable death we can imagine, a Roman crucifixion. Love led Jesus to sacrifice himself to save others.

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Finding [True] Joy

Finding [True] Joy

True joy is not dependent on happy circumstances. It’s transcendent joy, but it’s not blind to the crushing realities of the world. The apostle Paul, who was not foreign to suffering, described his ministry as Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing”. During heartbreaking circumstances, he rejoices with the constant expectation of God’s faithfulness. Christianity is honest with brokenness but persistent for joy. The musician Bono once said, “Joy is an act of defiance.” He hit it right on the head. Because Joy is more than an emotion, it’s also an adopted attitude that resists cynicism or fear, and it defiantly sets its hope on future promises.

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Love - The Taylor's Story

Love - The Taylor's Story

The process of adopting our daughter went very smoothly and every step of the way the Lord continued to reveal His heart to us. Adoption is the perfect example of how God's Love works. When our daughter came to us she was so frail. At 1 year old she weighed just 14 pounds. She was dirty, undernourished, and terrified. She did not understand who we were or that we already Loved her deeply. As she grew she became stronger. Her fears gave way to joy and seeing her begin to smile at us as we talked to her filled our family with some much elation that we could not imagine how we had ever lived without her...

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Peace - The Reynold's Story

Peace - The Reynold's Story

My daughter completed her treatment and returned home to begin rebuilding our family's relationship, but the road to restoration was a complicated one and shortly after she returned home, we found ourselves at odds again. I was determined to make our relationship work but all my best efforts continued to fail. Months later, sitting in a church service, I found myself once again unable to communicate what was happening in my heart. But this time it was not because of my battered relationship with my daughter; it was because I was suffering a stroke...

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Hope - The Robinson's Story

Hope - The Robinson's Story

After mourning this loss for a short time, we mustered all the resolve we could find and began our fertility treatments again. But this time our hearts were simply too broken to endure the rollercoaster process any longer. We discontinued the treatments and tried to come to terms with the idea that we would never have a child of our own. During this extended season a number of friends had suggested the idea of adopting a child. This was something that we believed in but the Hope of having our own biological child had always been our focus...

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