A Different Kind of Rest

A Different Kind of Rest

Do you often find yourself worn out and exhausted? Not like you’ve run a marathon but like your whole self is tired? You’re physically tired too, yes, but there’s also a mental and spiritual component? Do you feel this way sometimes even before the day begins, or maybe halfway through the day? Jesus calls those who are tired to come to him and He says he will give rest - rest for our souls. This is a deeper inner rest that you truly desire. This rest is so deep that it affects your bones.

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Wont You Be My Neighbor?

Wont You Be My Neighbor?

As you consider your calling to your neighbors this summer, think about this one short phrase, “Be a front yard neighbor." Create encounters by intentionally moving part of your life to the front yard. Take a walk and meet people as you go, buy a front yard tree swing for the neighbor kids to play on, or bring the grill to the street and invite a few neighbors to join you. Bring your Life Group members along for the mission as well because community is a powerful evangelistic tool.

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Holy Week Devotional | Thursday

Holy Week  Devotional | Thursday

On this day, Jesus observed the Passover meal with his disciples. Passover served as a means of remembrance for the Jewish people. Packed full of symbolic imagery, the meal was celebrated to remember God’s saving work. Many years before, God’s people were slaves in Egypt. In their distress, they cried out to him and God remembered his covenant with Abraham and stepped in.

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