Registration opens July 00
Equipping you to be a devoted follower of Jesus and engaged in his mission in your everyday life.
These classes are designed to help disciples grow in knowledge and love of God through his word, able to serve the body of Christ and confident to reach out in mission amongst our local communities.
Each class blends video teachings, engaging small group discussions, outside reading, and assignments to provide you with a comprehensive learning experience like no other.
CATC Training Classes cover core areas of discipleship including biblical, pastoral, doctrinal, missional, and leadership themes. Each course can stand alone, meaning that they can be studied in any order.
Bob Smith
Fellowship Hall
Cost - $25
Registration closed on Sunday, January 22, 2023
This 12-week class consists of weekly large group teaching, small group time, and some study to be done alone. This spring we will be studying the book of Ephesians together.
We are offering two class times this semester: 9:30 am and 7:30 pm on Wednesdays. Book pickup will be on January 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
Registration has closed for morning session childcare.
nine-part course on authentic discipleship. Enrich your walk with Christ, foster discipleship in your church, and live out the Gospel as a Spirit-filled community. Explore biblical foundations, practical steps, and grow as a follower of Jesus while empowering others.
From the moment you walk through the doors, you’ll notice lots of friendly faces eager to help you out!
Your first stop when you arrive is the first-time check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the gathering, we will text you. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick-up your child after gathering.
We're excited to meet you! Tell us a little bit about your family to help make your check-in process as smooth as possible when you arrive on a Sunday
Babies through toddlers are located on the second floor of the Kids Building. We have classrooms for babies, crawlers, early walkers and toddlers. We introduce these young children to Jesus through board books, games, songs and age-appropriate centers.
Classrooms for 2 year olds through kindergarteners are located on the third floor of the Kids Building. Each hour we present a Bible story through The Gospel Project, our Sunday morning curriculum. The music, crafts, Bible story, and Scripture memory all point our children toward Jesus Christ.
Small Groups for 1st – 3rd grades meets at 9am & 10:45am. During this time, the teacher communicates the day’s Bible story and how it is part of God’s big story. To reinforce the story, the children engage in fun activities for multiple learning styles. Time is also spent on Bible skills and Scripture memorization. Children are encouraged, loved and prayed for by our caring volunteers.
Along with the study of the day’s story, children sing, play games and experience an object lesson to internalize the Bible story and Christ Connection. A missions video helps kids learn how God equips all Christians to share the gospel with others.
Small Groups for 4th and 5th grades meet at 9am & 10:45am. During these times, the teacher communicates the day’s Bible story and how it is part of God’s big story. To reinforce the story, the children engage in fun activities for multiple learning styles. Time is also spent on Bible skills and Scripture memorization. Children are encouraged, loved and prayed for by our caring ministry partners. We encourage our preteens to join their families in the 9am worship gathering.