15 Questions to Deepen Discipleship and Develop Greater Dependence Upon God
Is the Gospel precious to me? Do I have assurance of my standing in Christ, being confident of God's love and acceptance of me? If so, how vivid is it?
Am I seeking God with all my heart, regularly giving him my attention in the Word and in personal worship and prayer? Am I enjoying Him and seeking the fullness of the Holy Spirit?
Am I being honoring, understanding and generous in my important relationships? Am I sensing God's presence in those relationships?
Am I consciously or unconsciously, through exaggeration or lies, creating the impression that I am better than I really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?
Am I walking in sexual integrity, submitting my mind and body to the Lordship of Jesus?
Am I having any lustful attitudes, entertaining any inappropriate thoughts about someone not my spouse, or exposing myself to any explicit materials that would not glorify God?
Am I practicing generosity and integrity with my finances, praying about how I spend my money?
Am I being a good steward of my body (nutrition, exercise and sleep)?
Am I exercising self-control when it comes to entertainment, media, and my internet consumption?
Is there anyone whom I fear, dislike, hold resentment toward, or criticize, damaging them by my words, either behind their back, or face-to-face?
Am I fulfilling the mandate of my calling, work, or school by practicing excellence and being the best I can be for God's glory?
Am I taking time for Sabbath rest?
Am I living with gratitude and contentment, or do I regularly envy, grumble, or complain?
Is Christ real to me?
Who am I speaking to about Jesus?