More Than Conquerors
/Romans 8:28-39
Romans 8:28-39
Romans 8:31-34
Romans 8:28-30
“Don’t turn a text of comfort into a text of controversy… when we go through times of suffering, theology matters. God is not going to comfort you apart from reason or your mind… He comforts us with truth… Theology has the ability to serenade and soothe you.” --JR Vassar
Romans 8:18-29
"Be careful how you define 'good.' It doesn't mean an upgrade in your circumstances as much as it means an upgrade in you." --JR Vassar
Romans 8:1-27
"The Holy Spirit is given to us because life is too much for us." --JR Vassar
Romans 8:22-25
"God wants the Holy Spirit not to be just a theological truth we affirm, but an experiential reality we encounter." --JR Vassar
Listen to our first ever, Q&A Podcast where we will help you go just a little further into your understanding of the Romans 8 text. Pastor Joseph Tenny is joined by Pastor JR Vassar in answering the questions you have sent in as you have been following the sermons. They cover everything from important biographies and helpful books to ongoing sanctification and baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is a deeper unpacking of the text meant to help you encounter Jesus.
Question 1 (1:00): Why doesn’t Paul abandon the language of slavery in describing how he relates to Christ? Shouldn’t sonship have replaced it?
Question 2 (5:20): What (if any) is the role of community in mortifying the flesh?
Question 3 (7:23): Besides the Bible, what are good books to read to learn more about the Holy Spirit?
Question 4 (11:30): JR said that the Holy Spirit is given to every person who trusted in Jesus, but what about the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Question 5 (18:30): What are some obvious signs that a person is experiencing a greater measure of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives?
Question 6 (20:47): What are the limits of sanctification before glorification, and why can't we with God's perfect, amazing, boundless, sufficient, overflowing, etc. grace be sinless now?
Question 7 (28:56): Can you make some recommendations of good Christian memoirs/biographies? I've read several and feel out of good options.
Romans 8:17-22
"Jesus has come to regain us for God and to regain creation for us." --JR Vassar
Romans 8:14-17
"The Holy Spirit gives every Christian a sense of God's personal, fatherly love." --JR Vassar
Romans 8:12-14
"I fear we have few of us a diligence proportionable to our danger." --Joseph Tenney (Quoting John Owen)
Romans 8:12-17
"The mortification of sin is more than overcoming certain particular sins; it is the killing of the roots of sin, not just the fruit of sin." -JR Vassar
Romans 8:5-11
Romans 8:5-8 | Guest Speaker - Tyson Guthrie
Romans 8:1-4
"The gospel is that your heart may be made fit to receive the Holy Spirit and that you might be brought into a new experience of life altogether under the influence and power of the Holy Spirit."--JR Vassar
Romans 1:1-4
"Christians should never feel condemned, never see God as opposed to them and never see him as a God in need of appeasing. It's all been done in Christ." --JR Vassar