Keeping Yourself in the Love of God
/JUDE 20-21
"Your faith is on a 24/7 mission to find rest for your soul." --Joseph Tenney
The Idol of Religion
"The subtle nature of idolatry is that we can even elevate religion, morality and virtue to idolatrous positions in our life." --JR Vassar
The Idol of Pleasure
/Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
"Every joy you experience in this life has a bottom to it. It has only so much capacity to satisfy your heart and thrill your life. The depth and duration of your joy depend on the depth and duration of the object you're looking to for that joy." --JR Vassar
The Idol of Success (Wealth, Possessions)
/LUKE 12:13-21
"Jesus said, 'I'm not here to give you things you think are your life. I'm here to BE your life.'" --Ray Clark
The Idol of Approval
/JOHN 12:42-43
“If you’re going to follow Jesus, it’s going to cost you severely. And we need people who love this world enough to be rejected by them so we might speak truth to them.” --JR Vassar