Pictures Pointing Forward | Week 3: Christ, God in Our Midst | Exodus 25:1-9


Text: Exodus 25:1-9

“The central miracle asserted by Christians is the incarnation. They say that God became man.” –  C. S. Lewis

+ Image of Tabernacle in the Encampment of Israel

+The Tabernacle was a Place of Glory

+Image of Book Immanuel

+The Tabernacle was a place of Grace

+Image of Ark of the Covenant

+Jesus is the Truer and Better Tabernacle

+ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1 ESV

+Jesus is the Place of God’s Glory

+Jesus is the Place of God’s Grace

+Jesus Belongs at the Center

+Jesus Makes us a Tabernacle

Pictures Pointing Forward | Week 2: Christ Our True Bread & True Drink | Psalm 105:37-43


Text:  Psalm 105:37-43

“Hearts on earth say in the course of a joyful experience, “I don’t want this ever to end.” But it invariably does. The hearts of those in heaven say, “I want this to go on forever.” And it will. There is no better news than this.” – J. I. Packer

+ Awkward Christmas Photos

+ Forever Life

+ Full Life

Pictures Pointing Forward | Week 1: Christ Our Passover Lamb | Exodus 12:1-13, 21-28


Text:  Exodus 12:1-13, 21-28

Typology exists when there is a historical correspondence between events, institutions, and persons found in the OT and the NT. I argue that typology does not merely represent correspondence but a correspondence intended by God. - Thomas Schreiner

“J. Barton Payne identified 1,239 prophetic predictions in the Old Testament that involved some 6,641 verses, or 28.5 percent of the total corpus of the older testament...Payne also found 127 personal messianic predictions in some 3,348 verses in the Old Testament...” Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. 2009. Recovering the Unity of the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

If you were to calculate the probability of any one person fulfilling, sheerly by chance, all the Old Testament Messianic prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, it would be as astronomical as winning the lottery every day for a century. Even if Jesus deliberately tried to fulfill the prophecies, no mere man could have the power to arrange the time, place, events, and circumstances of his birth or events after his death. - Peter Kreeft. Christianity for Modern Pagans.

+ Paint Your Door

“The answer of course is neither. Because death doesn’t pass over them on the ground of the intensity or the clarity of the faith exercised. But on the ground of the blood of the lamb… It is not the intensity of our faith but the object of our faith that saves.” - D.A. Carson

+Don’t Forget

Exodus 12:13

“The blood shall be a sign for you...”