Accepting Our Station in Life
/"The gospel will heal you of your need to be extraordinary because it gives you the love and approval you desperately want and need." --JR Vassar
"The gospel will heal you of your need to be extraordinary because it gives you the love and approval you desperately want and need." --JR Vassar
Hebrews 11:29-40
"It is the exercise of faith in God that activates the power of God to bring about the supernatural work of God." --JR Vassar
Psalm 119:65-72
Psalm 80
"Jesus didn't show up to lecture and condemn us, he came to save us." --JR Vassar
"God owns all things, knows all things, and orders all things." -James Sercey, Student Minister
"You can oppose the Kingdom of Jesus, but you can never overcome it." -JR Vassar
Gregg Simmons - Life Action Ministries
"There is no humanity outside a personal relationship with our creator."