/C.S. Lewis observed that we need help from each another to truly and fully see the mystery, the beauty, or the terror of the world. Our eyes need to be disciplined to see the world rightly and we utterly need to proclaim the Word of God in ways that actively expose and resist both the idols that we are tempted to worship instead of God and also the idols of our distorted understandings of God. We believe because art is concerned with communication - communicating an idea through a gesture of some kind - that artists possess a particular way of helping us see rightly.
On June 28th, 2015, we invited artists to submit creative work that was accentuated or inspired or informed by our eight-week sermon series called, “Idol Factory.” This series included:
• the idol of power (control/anger)
• the idol of people (fear of man)
• the idol of success (work, money, possessions)
• the idol of pleasure (sex, sloth)
• the idol of religion (self-righteousness)
• keeping ourselves in the love of God
• idolatry and the 4 G’s
We called on artists to offer and discipline their various gifts so God’s people might acknowledge their own idol-making through the visual art presented, testify to the goodness of God, offer thanks and express repentance of our own idol-making.
The goal of this gallery was to present good creative work that disciplines our eyes to see the world around us and ourselves a bit clearer, that through beholding these various gifts, our hearts and minds might be directed to the good and true radiance of God’s glory (Heb 1:3).
We encouraged any medium at all and asked that all final submissions be in by July 24, 2015 to be considered.