/The concept of an “illustrated Bible” conjures, for some, soft-focused feathery-winged angels, perfect pairs of well-behaved animals peeking out the ark’s windows, or baby Jesus snuggled into his pint-sized Jenny Lind manger. These cozy images often belie the earthy realism of the Bible’s contents. Revealed shows the Bible in all its raw, violent, and beautiful glory. As J. Mark Bertrand attests, “Revealed sets out to crush any notion that the Bible is a safe, inspirational read. Instead the artwork here . . . takes a warts-and-all approach to even the most troubling passages, trading well-meaning elision for unvarnished truth.”
Revealed features twenty-three works from the book, Revealed: A Storybook Bible for Grown-Ups. This collection of contemporary works, many created by CIVA member artists, features various printmaking techniques and covers the entire story of Redemption—from the Fall in Genesis through the New Creation promised in Revelation. Curated by CIVA graphic designer and creator of Square Halo Books, Ned Bustard, the exhibition includes art by Margaret and Ned Bustard, Tanja Butler, Matthew L. Clark, Wayne L. Forte, Craig Hawkins, David Busch Johnson, Diego Jourdan Pereira, Edward Knippers, Kevin Lindholm, Steve Prince, Mark T. Smith, Justin Sorensen, Ryan Stander, and Kreg Yingst.