Increase at CATC


Increase -  when we look back over this past year, that is the word that comes to mind.  Increase is the language of the gospel. Abounding and fullness is the way the New Testament characterizes believers. Abounding in hope, in every good work, in love and knowledge, and in every situation, Christians are described as being full of the Spirit, full of good works, full of grace, faith, and power, and filled with all the fullness of God. Abounding, fullness, increase, all by the grace of God for the glory of God. God has given Church at the Cross an increase. We have seen an increase in reaching, with people coming to faith, attending our gatherings, joining our membership, and joining Life Groups. We have seen an increase in teaching through our ministries as more children, students, men, and women are encountering Jesus. We have seen an increase in training through Essentials as people are equipped for life and mission. We have seen an increase in our sending as we start and strengthen churches in Utah, the D.C. metro area, and Africa through our church planting partnerships, and as we are training future pastors through our pastoral residency program. We have sent families to live and work with our partners, and we have mobilized teams to serve in short term opportunities. We have also seen an increase in generosity. Our debt has been eliminated, and new initiatives have been funded. Most of all, we have seen an increase in God’s presence among us. Our Sunday Worship Gatherings continue to grow. Our Prayer and Songs gatherings are consistently filled with people crying out to God. We know that God is fully present in all places and all times, but in certain places and at certain times, he gives his people a special nearness and sense of his presence. We continue to ask God for more, for increase

Abounding, fullness, increase, all by the grace of God for the glory of God. This is our prayer and our hope for Church at the Cross. That God would continue to bless us with increase. 

"And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”