Young Adults

Unstoppable Momentum

2024 was a year of unstoppable momentum for the young adults ministry! From January to now, we have seen both spiritual and numerical growth in this ministry. Our vision is to help young adults: Encounter Jesus, Embrace his vision and Engage the culture, and our young adults have responded to that vision in some incredible ways.

This year we met every other Thursday night at a gathering called “Breakpoint” where young adults meet for worship, teaching and fellowship. But we also had large group social events called “hangouts” where we’ve seen a ton of young adults from outside of our church find us. We also increased our intentionality towards outreach as we planned “movements” where we leave our campus for the sake of mission or service.

The Lord has blessed our efforts as we’ve seen 10 young adults respond to Christ through baptism, nearly 60% of our current regular attenders becoming members of CATC and 50+ YA’s connected to life groups this year through LG Connect. We also increased our average attendance on Thursday nights to 65 young adults per gathering and had over 190 young adults participate in one of our gatherings this year. It’s been an incredible year and we can’t wait to see all the Lord continues to do through this ministry.