/Sent on Mission
This year, Sent on Mission, has been an emphasis of CATC Kids in our ministries, our homes, and through our activities.
During our Midweek for Kids, Ms. Aine taught about missions and what it means to be willing to go, even to the other side of the world, to tell others about Jesus. Children learned about other belief systems through the acronym THUMB (Tribal, Hindu, Unreligious, Buddhist and Tribal). These are beliefs held by many of the unreached people groups across the globe. Then, the kids watched, prayed and raised money for Aine and her husband, Nathaniel, to travel to Radius to train for a year. At Radius, Nathaniel and Aine will be equipped to go to a people who have never heard the Good News and teach them about Jesus. What an impact this has had on our children as they learned, prayed and raised money to send Aine!
In May, we took a Family Mission Trip. Nine families and 13 kids traveled to El Paso to serve alongside two churches. The kids experienced life outside of their home and community, worshipped with believers in another language, bonded with other church families and kids, and developed a desire and confidence to tell others about Jesus.
Through these things and your prayers, we’ve had multiple parents comment about how their children talk at home about becoming a missionary one day. Praise God! Let’s continue to pray for God to call our children to neighbors and nations!
God has also been moving in the hearts of our children to be follow Jesus in baptism. Since our last annual conference, 22 children have been baptized and every other month, our Gospel and Baptism for Kids class is well attended.
On August 18, Promotion Sunday, we opened several new classes. Between the two gathering times, we now have 12 nursery classes, 16 preschool classes, and 10 elementary classes. We regularly have more than 250 kids on Sunday mornings, and we look forward to that number growing in the new year. We need more covenant members to join the CATC Kids team so we can reach more children!
We are excited about the year ahead and appreciate the church-wide support given to our Kids’ Ministry. To learn more about CATC Kids or to find information about joining our team, visit