Peace, Grace, Joy

Join us as we jump back in our Romans series!

In this sermon, Pastor JR Vassar explores the transformative power of God's grace as outlined in Romans 5:1-2. The sermon emphasizes the peace we find through Christ, our access into grace, and the confident joy in the hope of being transformed into His likeness. Dive deeper into these powerful truths and the implications they hold. 

Sermon Text:  Romans 5:1-2

Sermon Notes:

  • • Peace with God

  • Access into Grace

  • Confident Joy in Hope

“When a man says, ‘Because I have sinned, I have lost it,’ what he is really saying is on the other side is, ‘I had it because I was good.’ He is wrong in both respects.” Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Romans.

“I sometimes think that the whole secret of the Christian life is to know how to use the word ‘Therefore.’ The Christian life is in many ways a matter of logic, a matter of deduction. The Christians who have shined most brightly throughout the centuries have always been those who've been able to use this ‘Therefore.’ Correspondingly most failures in the Christian life are to be traced to an inability to use this word, and to deduce what we should and what we ought, from this great doctrine we have been studying.” – Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Romans.