God Brings Radiant Joy


“In August 2018, my baby sister Katie, at the age of 22, was diagnosed with cancer.”

These are words we all fear hearing and no one expects to hear. Katie was young and still growing, it seemed her life was just beginning. News like this will stop you in your tracks. Everything we are working towards, looking forward to, and expect to happen all just stops.

“It started as a small spot in her mouth, and looked like a cold sore but she noticed it wasn’t getting any better. She had just returned back to SFA for the fall semester. Her cancer on paper seemed highly curative and would respond well to treatment, but neither was farther from the truth of her cancer.”

In October of 2018, Katie had major surgery with several setbacks in her healing. She was able to go home in good spirits after 26 long days and nights. They started her on radiation and chemo in January. The next several months held grueling rehabilitation with multiple doctor appointments and therapies.

If that wasn’t enough, Megan, Katie’s oldest sister, was hit with more devastating news. She and her husband, Ian, had been having trouble conceiving only to discover an infertility issue that was altering their hopes and dreams of starting a family. Being a nurse in the hospital, Megan was no stranger to the medical world. She was used to helping others who had been given hard news, navigating their diagnoses and treatments. But it’s different when your sister receives the diagnosis. Or when you receive yours.

Therapies ended in May for Katie and she joyously headed back to SFA. Her mouth seemed all clear. Then the family received news that cancer had come back with brutality, unlike anything Megan had ever seen. Katie’s entire body was riddled with tumors. It was a few, slow, heart-wrenching weeks before Katie left to be fully healed in the arms of our Savior.

“Ekaterina (Katie) Rost Welch, 24, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, August 3rd, 2019. Katie bravely fought a long arduous battle with head and neck cancer but ultimately succumbed to this terrible disease.” (From Katie’s Obituary)

Megan was feeling completely defeated. From all the medical information they were being given and from what she understood with her medical expertise, all signs seemed to be pointing toward the positive. How could something like this happen to someone so young, healthy, and full of life? How could she be denied a child amid her family going through such suffering?

I felt okay with not being okay…

“My Life Group was essential in helping me walk through these seasons; we cried together, prayed big things together, and they rallied around us when we were just tired and spent. They checked in frequently. I felt okay with not being okay and voicing hard things. True community is needed to walk through this fallen world, we need each other. It was key to keeping focused, especially when being pressed into deep suffering. The gospel had hands and feet with prayers felt, verses shared, and ears ready to listen.”

Megan chose to move toward God instead of rejecting him as her kind and good Father. Her Life Group and Church surrounded her with physical and spiritual care, constantly speaking scripture, providing meals, and sharing a shoulder to lean on. There was always someone available when they were at their wit’s end.

Megan and Ian began their long journey of healing, fearing that their desires were left unheard. But they, with their community, did not give up hope. They embraced the Biblical command to “pray without ceasing,” and continued to bring their desires to Jesus. Those prayers did not fall on deaf ears.

On August 1, 2021, Phoebe Joy was born - a beautiful, healthy little girl. Megan and Ian, their entire family, and their close community all were overjoyed and overwhelmed with gratitude for God’s sweet gift after years of petitioning.

“God redeems all things. Phoebe’s arrival was unexpected and beautifully woven into Katie’s story. I was carried by my loving Father and sustained to further strengthen my own relationship but to help others along in their journeys as well.”

Phoebe (meaning bright or radiant) Joy was not unintentionally named.

Phoebe (meaning bright or radiant) Joy was not unintentionally named. Neither was God’s timing in bringing her to this world. God brought “radiant joy” when the family was having to fight darkness and fear. They were pressed to learn what true, deep joy in anguish and sorrow really is - healing for the soul. And they learned that true soul healing comes from only one source - Jesus. Though no one can replace Katie in the family’s hearts, God was kind to give Megan and Ian a child. Someone with whom they can share stories of the aunt who was so full of love and happiness. A young child of God who loved Jesus with her entire heart and shared that with everyone whether in word or deed. 

Perhaps, if you find yourself in struggle, hardship, and scorn - these words from the old hymn, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus,” will bring you comfort. 

Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised 
Thou wilt all our burdens bear
May we ever, Lord, be bringing 
all to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright unclouded 
there will be no need for prayer
Rapture, praise and endless worship 
will be our sweet portion there.

“Katie was the exuberance of joy in her faith, singing at the top of her lungs with every wrong note but she gave it her everything! With the hope of Christ, we will see each other again and she would want joy to be the hallmark of our lives. Her faith has become sight!”


In loving memory of
Ekaterina (Katie) Rost Welch