Washed Over Me


Before Olivia gave her life to Christ and his Church, her life looked different. She was defining herself by how well she did in school and competitions. She found that if she did a good job, then she had worth. Her security was wrapped up in performance and keeping a perfect image. Olivia says, “ I tried to be perfect by myself. I was very prideful.”

However, she could no longer live under the pressure of being perfect. “It just sort of washed over me that I couldn’t save myself. Jesus was sinless and perfect, and he willingly died for me so that I could be saved.” 

Jesus saved Olivia from the pressure of perfection on her own. He placed his righteousness, his perfect life on her so that she could be free to live joyfully. She could breathe easily and without anxiety. Now she can work hard, free from the burden to please others around her or to her own high standard for herself. The moment Olivia surrendered her life to Jesus and his authority, God saw her as holy, righteous, and set apart for his family and he is fully pleased with her.

“Now, I don’t have to try so hard to be perfect because He was perfect for me; Now I try to walk in Jesus’ image instead.”