/We had the privilege of partnering with a talented local artist, Rebecca Prince and her Children of Uganda exhibit. All proceeds went to Compassion International.
Rebecca’s artist statement:
Poverty is all around. How can I avoid it?
Poverty is too BIG and I am too small. What can I do? What will make any difference at all?
After visiting Uganda with Compassion International I have a different view of poverty. It is not merely an issue of money. It affects a person’s self worth and confidence. It affects their health, education, and ability to dream.
I DO want to make a difference so I decided to use my ability to paint to tell these children’s stories. They looked at me with questions, longing, appreciation and most of all hope.
These are the children I met in Uganda and they live in poverty but Compassion International is making a difference and you can help. Sponsor a child and release them from poverty in Jesus name.