/We have been a partner with the organization CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts) for a number of years now. This March, we were able to host their national exhibit, First Fruits and it was absolutely stunning.
From the beginning of the Old Testament to the end of the New, returning to our Creator the first fruits of what has already been given us—in talent, labor, and wealth—stands as a hallmark of God’s faithful people. The entire biblical narrative is filled with images of feasting, fruitfulness, and faithful service in which both God’s people and kingdom flourish. Joyfully and creatively engaging in the good work that God has given us to do, yielding our best efforts to the Lord, we return our first offering to him.
Curated by Joel Sheesley, this exhibit featured the work of twenty-five contemporary artists in a wide variety of media and styles as a response to this theme.
All that Is Kept within My Heart, Rachel Durfee
Eucharist, Kirsten van Mourick
First Fruits, Kelly Shehan Hazime
Hearts, Matt Ballou
The Journey of Painters, Poets & Musicians, Coulter Prehm
Keep Them Close, Marcus Miers
Plateaus (blue), Josh Smith
Untitled Measurement (Ultra Life), Gene Schmidt
40 Days Forty Sacraments, Kari Dunham
Abstraction, Sara Nordling
Beauty for Ashes, Heather Wright
Dairy Farm, Weld CO, 1980 and 2014, Kathy T. Hettinga
Eulogy for Mammon #3, Tyler Gathro
Good Morning, Sheila Ballantyne
Inherent, Allison Luce
Leaves, Heidy Chuang
Lengthening, Keith Barker
Milk & Honey, Vincent Hawley
The Nurture, Robert Eustace
Pleasant to the Sight, Delro Rosco
The Reinterpretation of the Full Armor of God, Lee Benson
Southern Indiana, Michael Winters
The Sum of My Parts, Megan Murphy
Tree Parables (Generations), Joseph Di Bella
Up Through the Endless Ranks of Angels, John Bergmeier