CATC Care | 2022
/It is a privilege to serve in a church alongside people who care for one another so well. This year we walked with one another through another year enduring painful seasons of grief and suffering. In providing meals, manpower, and presence in times of need, our Life Group communities have provided care and support for one another well. We have seen the Spirit of God work miracles of deliverance and also miracles of preservation through these trials to the glory of God the Father. Thank you, church family, for joyfully entering into one another’s sufferings with God’s grace in Christ Jesus. As this year will bring more rain, let us be dependent on the Spirit of God to provide us with strength to be ready to give of ourselves to one another.
STEPS, our gospel-centered recovery ministry, and GriefShare our gospel centered support group to the grieving continue to provide safe, gracious environments for people to seek help and healing. STEPS is held in the Fall and GS in the Spring. People are encountering Jesus, growing in the grace to know him more clearly and growing in the freedom to love him more faithfully in their everyday lives. Sarah Reed has championed our STEPS ministry while Laura and Mike Heath have lead our GriefShare ministry well for the past several years. They are to be commended for their faithful service. If you have gone through STEPS here or at another church and would like to be involved in this ministry, contact her at Sarah Reed. If you are interested in serving in our GriefShare group contact the Heaths.
Thank you for sharing this year through the Mercy Fund Offering (collected during Advent). Because of your generosity, we saw over $132,162 used significantly to bless people this year. This represents people in physical or emotional crisis. Those in need of solid Biblical Counseling, benevolence help, and people who are giving their lives through foster/adoption.
We are grateful to God for the consistent and faithful ministry of our deacons to our church and local community. As a matter of fact, we are encouraged to be voting on the addition of David Parish to this team at our September 25th members meeting. Whether in visiting, praying, and serving the sick, distributing benevolence, helping families facing the loss of a loved one, and ministering to widows and vulnerable in our body, our leaders are striving to shepherd our flock with love. One recent way this played out was seen in our deacons creating a “night shift” rotation that saw them sitting in the hospital through the night for 2 weeks with one of our members who was suffering greatly to enable their family to be able to go home and rest. Please pray for these leaders as they continue to seek the Lords counsel in caring well.
If you want to learn more about our Care ministry, or if you are interested in serving in this capacity, click on the link below.