CATC Sending | 2022
/CATC Students serving with beautiful feet in Ft. Worth
The question is not if I'm called, but to whom and to where I'm called.
The Sending Ministry has worked hard to see many activities turn into regular rhythms of creating a mission mindset for the people of CATC. When we think about who might be the next long-term missionary sent out from CATC, we tend to think of our 2nd or 4th graders. Creating a culture of mission for years to come is the goal! Examples of these rhythms include a weekly prayer time on Zoom, weekly ESL classes for our community, Xplore Missions classes, and now a weekly Foster and Adopt Connection group. We have also created streamlined online tools to connect more people to the unique work of our Life Task Force.
For Our City ESL Graduating Class
It has also been a joy to once again see our people sent on mission trips with the diminishing COVID restrictions. In June, we sent teams to Ft. Worth, El Paso, and Tijuana during Send Week. We also have another 22 people planning to go serve Austin and Monica Glenn in October as they plant King's Cross Church in Farmington, UT. Trips are already scheduled for our kids, students, and young adults well into 2023.