CATC Young Adults and Alpha | 2022



The Young Adults Ministry had an incredible last year together. We've spent many Thursday nights together in God's word, over dinner, and in prayer. We've done lots of fun events like Halloween parties, morning hikes, service projects in the community, worship nights, volleyball tournaments, and our first Young Adults Retreat in Downtown Ft. Worth.

This summer the Young Adults took a mission trip to Tijuana learning from cross-cultural missionaries and considered using their single years for the Kingdom. We met every week over the summer and saw a consistent increase in our gatherings of different college students, post-graduates, or young professionals in our area who are looking for community and a serious place to grow in their faith.


This past year the Alpha ministry has labored to create an intentionally hospitable and disarming environment for non-Christians to consider the person of Jesus, while also helping to catalyze our evangelistic culture at CATC.

We hosted Alpha for twenty weeks this past year and saw roughly 120 individuals participate in our course. Each course has increased the number of skeptics and unbelievers who have felt comfortable joining because a friend from CATC invited them. We think six people this past year came to a saving faith in Jesus through Alpha. Many others came to Alpha as a believer and grew tremendously in their faith. The types of critical conversations that are had at Alpha spark curiosity in everyone that either causes them to reconsider or to go on a search for answers. It has been a true blessing helping these people encounter Jesus.