CATC Students | 2022


Church at the Cross Students has had a full and incredible year. We have been able to get back into a rhythm of ministry that helps our students encounter Jesus. When it comes to working with middle and high school students, it is important to create unique and safe environments where students can ask hard questions, have conversations about the gospel and living a Spirit-filled life, and so much more.  

This year we were able to create some unique opportunities to have those conversations at One Weekend in February, middle school camp at Mt. Lebanon, high school camp in Glorieta, New Mexico, and a week at Beautiful Feet Ministries in Fort Worth serving the homeless population.  

We know that events are crucial, but it is just as important to create regular rhythms for students to be in community with one another. We currently have 12 life groups on Sunday mornings and a night of worship and fun on Wednesdays called Midweek. In these weekly programs, we have built in areas where students can serve the church by using their gifts and abilities. This past year we launched a student-led worship team and a Student Leadership Team that is made up of high school students. 

An area of ministry that we are going to focus on this upcoming school year is our ministry to our parents. Parenting teens in today’s culture takes a community. We want to invest more into our parents by creating resources and seminars to help our parents be better equipped to lead their families and students well.