
Interceding Faith

God is moving amongst us through the power of prayer. In the spring of 2023, we experienced spontaneous informal prayer gatherings happening on our campus in response to the deep needs of some of our people. Many have hosted prayer online or in their homes. It has been beautiful to see the love of our people for one another expressed through prayer.

Following this outpouring of prayer, our Prayer Ministry was relaunched last summer 2023. In May of last year, we trained over 20 people for the intercessory prayer team. The following month, June 2023, Sunday morning prayer partners began serving to offer prayer at the end of our gatherings. Beyond Sunday mornings, our prayer partners have been available to serve at Prayer and Songs and Womens’ Gather events. Weekly intercessors also began to diligently pray at home for our ministries and partners and for prayer requests submitted via prayer cards or by church members. 

Throughout 2024, the prayer team has grown to over 40 team members. Involvement increased noticeably after our 5-week Prayer Courses last Fall and Spring and after our 48-Hours of Prayer last February.

Here are a few more highlights in 2024 so far—on June 2, 2024, we started a pre-service prayer group, and folks have shown up to the auditorium every Sunday from 8:15-8:45am to pray before Sunday gatherings. We have a new prayer resource on the prayer ministry page—a blog called "How to Pray for our Sunday Gatherings" with a downloadable easy-to-memorize prayer prompt guide (using the acronym PLEAD) specifically geared toward praying for our Sunday gatherings. Since the beginning of September, our weekly intercessors have been praying in alignment with the Sending team’s Neighbors + Nations weekly prayer needs to lift up our local and global partners. 

We rejoice over all that God has done. We pray to continually see an increase in the prayerfulness of our people in the year to come. May we encounter Jesus as the Spirit is at work. May many stories be told among us of God’s answers to our prayers!  

See the prayer ministry page to read about ways to get involved in the prayer ministry. Join us as often as you can for pre-service prayer at 8:15am every Sunday. We’d love to see you! As a church, we simply desire to pray, call on the Lord, and seek his face—to be a praying people.