Puerto Rico 2021

Puerto Rico 2021

SEND Relief (part of North American Mission Board) has a significant presence on the island of Puerto Rico. CATC sent a nine-person team to be a part of the remarkable work that is happening there. Our team served alongside a NAMB supported Puerto Rican church as well as an adoption agency known as Adoptando en Puerto Rico.

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Papo Fuerte

Papo Fuerte

Miriam went on to share with us a little more about her husband. He had grown up in the neighborhood where they lived. Most of the people in the neighborhood were related to him in some form or fashion. Cousins, second cousins, uncles, aunts. He earned the nickname “Papo Fuerte.” Papo’s mother’s maiden name was “Fuerte.” But that is not solely how he got the nickname. Papo was a welder by trade. But basically, he could fix, or build anything he put his mind to. You name it, Papo had built it. He built the entire concrete house 30 years ago where they were living to this day. He built the water tank used to irrigate all their land. At one point Miriam told us the story of how he built a private elevator in someone’s personal home. Papo would also repair and build for everyone in the neighborhood. If anyone ever needed anything, he would not hesitate to build it for them and take care of his family. Family is everything in Puerto Rican culture, or at least on the surface it is. Fuerte means strong in Spanish, and Papo was the neighborhoods strength… was.

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