Life Groups
/Renewed as a community
Life Groups continue to be the place where we can belong, grow, and invite others to encounter Jesus. We currently have over 30 groups but with a growing church comes a need for more groups. This year we were able to train leaders to start 4 new Life Groups. Every new group starts through Life Group Connect class where new visitors can come and connect with one another, receive training on community life, and launch out to form a new group together.
When broken people come together in the name of Jesus to create a community of belonging and growth, it communicates to those around us that the love of Jesus is powerful and available to all. Many of our Life Groups have become safe places for new believers to experience powerful community and growth. These groups are also a wonderful place to invite people in who do not know Jesus. One of the ways we do that is through Front Yard Festivals. The Life Groups and Kids Ministry partner together to empower groups to host festivals in their front yard every year so that members can be a light to their neighbors. This year we saw 25 front yard festivals take place throughout the community!
Another great element of Life Groups is that they become great spaces to form discipling relationships. We encourage all our Life Groups to make space for Discipleship Groups which are small groups of 3-5 people, same gender, walking side by side to help one another know Jesus and become like Him. Last semester our Discipleship Groups received new discipleship curriculum, “Profile of a Disciple”, giving members a vision for discipleship together.
We are still in need of leaders to start both Life Groups and Discipleship Groups to ensure that everyone who walks through the doors of CATC has a space to belong, grow, and invite. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, please contact Matt Lear.