/Unified in Christ
Women’s Ministry at Church at the Cross exists to encourage and equip women in all seasons of life to encounter Jesus together. We gather to build up the body of women believers to encounter Jesus in a deep and transformative way, and then represent Him well in the contexts and relationships in which He has placed us. Over the last year, we had several opportunities to do this through a variety of opportunities.
The women of CATC met together for Gather three times: December, April, and August. Gather is an event where the women of the church meet for a meal, conversation, woman-led worship, and encouragement from God’s Word. Gather provided a platform for us to be taught and led in worship by a variety of women within our congregation. In August, we launched our topic for the coming year: Walking in Wisdom.
In Spring 2024, we launched a women’s only CATC Training class where we spent 7 weeks learning the Doctrine of the Trinity. The ladies stretched their minds and grew in their understanding of the mystery of the Divine Trinity. Also in the Spring, Women’s Ministry hosted our first Women’s Serve Day where we stuffed care bags to be given to Care Portal recipients and wrote encouraging notes to our missionaries serving abroad.
As our normal church rhythms in Life Groups and Discipleship Groups paused over the summer months, about 65 women joined a Summer Group where they met weekly for fellowship, book discussion, and prayer requests. We covered topics about God’s attributes, a biblical view on emotions, and godly parenting.
We have an incredible group of godly women at Church at the Cross who are using their gifts to build up the church. Please join us this year in Women’s Ministry as we continue to encourage and equip one another!